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Data and Tools

Database applications developed by our laboratory are presented via The Rodent Brain WorkBench.

Multi-platform(Java3D based) software for 3-D atlasing of mouse and rat brains, specialized for assigning location to MR, CT. and PET data. Atlas3D

AnalySIS Tutorials
NeSys has used programme AnalySIS (Soft Imaging System GmbH, Münster, Germany) for some of its publications. These tutorials explain basic AnalySIS interface and features, and examplify the use of AnalySIS for image analysis purposes.

Basic AnalySIS tutorial

Using AnalySIS® to detect cells and collect data from a Fluororuby-stained section
This tutorial describes how to separate stained elements from background, separate cells from artefacts, detect the cells and in the end get a list with xy-coordinates (and other relevant info) on each cell.
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